The loyalty program designed for the Film Industry! Exclusive offers, special discounts and more, powered by Pacifica Ventures and Lowe's
It's Time To Save!
Lowe's For Production Pros​
The loyalty program for every department and every buyer on your show
Benefits of the Program
Some of what you'll gain by signing up
Specialized loyalty discount program designed exclusively for the production services industry
Every day discounts in store and online
Reward e-card benefits up to 20% of purchases
Exclusive service for the entertainment industry specific to your unique needs
Dedicated personal contact with a regional media manager
Including Paint, Lumber, Electrical, Hardware, Appliances, Tools, Plumbing, Roofing, Flooring, Garden, Moldings, Paneling and more
Including Paint, Lumber, Electrical, Hardware and much MUCH more!
Special Discounts from 5% to 25%
In store and on-line: Easy to Create an order online on your Phone, Desktop or Tablet with the App
Download the Lowe's Home Improvement app for iOS and Android
Save Time & Money
You must register for a Business Account to receive these major discounts
Click on this hyperlink: Set Up a New PRO Business Account to get started or scan the QR Code to the right
Enter an email address that isn’t associated with another Lowe’s account
Enter Pro Account ID: PV100 in the Join Existing field and select Join Org: Pacifica Ventures
Enter all required fields to create login and password (Use Production Name/Address or other)
Go to My Account and select Wallet
Under Payment Methods, click + Add New Card and enter your information
Download the App on your phone or tablet and Start Saving Money and Earning Rewards Now!
If you have any problems, call or text Jim Chaves at (509) 530-8925 or email: jim.chaves@lowes.com
Lowe's For Production Pros is something new and just for Production Buyers... giving you great discounts by using the Pacifica Code: PV100

Regional Contacts
Rodriguez, Alejandro
Ross, Bob
Calderon, Alexander